wrestle with andy

NO AURA | Wrestlers That Can't Get Over!

OVER 50s | Wrestlings Greatest Seniors!

TRANSFORMED | From Bland to Entertaining!

ATTITUDE TO RUTHLESS | Wrestlers that Succeeded in Both Eras!

NEVER GOT OVER | Fans Didn't Care About Them!

UNDERVALUED | Wrestlers Under the Radar!

SECOND GEN | Wrestlers Eclipsing Parents!

LONGEVITY | Wrestlings Longest Careers!

2024 Panini WWE Prizm Wrestling 4 Box Wrestler Break #11 (9-3-24)

LAST CHAMPS | Wrestling's Final Title Holders!

FAILED IN WWE | Superstars That Didn't Last Long!

UPGRADES | Best Gimmick Changes!

MODERN VERSIONS | Legends Current Counterparts!

TOTAL CHANGE | 180° Gimmick Refreshes!

FORMER CHAMPS | That Fell From Grace!

WHAT HAPPENED? | Unfinished Storylines

BEST OF ATTITUDE | The Era's Greatest Storylines!

WORST OF RAW | Failed Raw Runs!

RUTHLESS TILL TODAY | Wrestlers that Succeeded in Both Eras!

VERSATILE | Multi Talented Wrestlers!

ONE OF A KIND | Most Unique Wresters!

DOUBLE LIVES | Simultaneous Gimmicks!

HITMAN | The Bret Hart Story (Full Career Documentary)

UNBREAKABLE | Records That Will Last Forever!